• Turkish
  • English
Bachelor's Program IN TranslatIon and InterpretIng StudIes
Qualification Code TR0030030324
Qualification Title Bachelor's Program in Translation and Interpreting Studies
Awarding Body Yeditepe University
Awarding Body Contact İnönü Mah, Kayışdağı Cd. No:326A, 34755 Ataşehir/İstanbul
Awarding Body Url https://yeditepe.edu.tr/
Orientation General
EQF Level 6
TQF Level 6
Thematic Areas Translation studies
National Occupation Classification ISCO:08
Category Main
Credit Value 240
Program Duration 4 Years
Program Profile
  1. To equip students with the theoretical and practical knowledge required by the field of Translation Studies.
  2. To equip students with the knowledge of expressing themselves orally and in writing in native and foreign languages, analyzing and interpreting texts, identifying problems, generating justifiable solutions and relating them to current theories.
  3. To gain the knowledge of using the research methods required by the field effectively, evaluating the resources related to the field, conducting interdisciplinary research, reporting and presenting the data produced and obtained.
  4. In line with the understanding of lifelong education and the requirements of the field, to provide students with the knowledge and habits of developing themselves outside the field, accessing information resources (dictionaries, guides, etc.) and using information technologies effectively.
  5. To raise awareness in the student to assume responsibility and observe ethical values in individual or teamwork within the framework of the rules and working conditions required by the field; and to gain awareness about the contributions of the field to intercultural communication and national culture.
Learning Environments Classrooms and laboratories are used for each course in the program in accordance with the relevant course content.
  1. To be able to use advanced theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the field of Translation Studies.
  2. To be able to analyze concepts and ideas in the field of translation studies using scientific methods, to interpret and evaluate data.
  3. To be able to explain and use the grammatical, lexical, semantic and cultural structures of source and target languages.
  4. To be able to access resources with the technological tools necessary for research in the field of translation studies.
  5. To be able to explain, analyze and transfer the structures, social and cultural functions of different types of texts in the source and target languages.
  6. To be able to transfer the theoretical knowledge and skills developed in other branches of the humanities to the act of translation.
  7. To be able to apply the knowledge and skills related to the social role of the translator in professional life.
  8. To be able to use a second foreign language at a competent level.
  9. To be able to identify the stages and strategies of the translation process and the problems encountered in the translation process and to develop methods to solve them.
  10. To be able to make decisions, critique and display creativity in the translation process.
  11. Demonstrate a positive approach to the principle of lifelong learning.
Key Competencies Among the eight key competencies specified in the "Key Competencies for Lifelong Learning-European Reference Framework" annexed to the Recommendation 2006/962/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18/12/2006 on "Key Competencies for Lifelong Learning", the competencies expected to be acquired by individuals through the program are communication in mother tongue, communication in foreign languages, digital competence, learning to learn, cultural awareness and expression.
Further Info

Kinds of examination, measurement, and evaluation in each course in the program are accurately defined in the syllabi. Success grades and coefficients are shown in the following table:

Success Grades COEFFICIENT
AA 4.0
BA 3.5
BB 3.0
CB 2.5
CC 2.0
DC 1.5
DD 1.0
FA 0.0 Fail (Failure to attend final exam due to absenteeism)
FF 0.0 Fail (Failure to pass the final exam)

In addition, the following abbreviations are used depending on the situation of the students:

a)I-Incomplete: It is given to students who cannot complete the course work due to valid excuses. These students are required to complete the requirements of the I grade by the end of the following semester's add / drop date at the latest. Upon completion of the requirements, the student receives the required grade, and if the requirement is not fulfilled by that date, the student's I grade automatically becomes an FF grade.

b)L-Leave: Used for students who are allowed leave according to the provisions of this Regulation.

c) NC-Non-Credit: Used for non-credit courses.

ç) ND-Non-Degree: Used for non-credit courses that are not intended for graduation from Yeditepe University and are not included in the grade average score.

d) P-Pass: Given to students who succeed in courses not included in their GPA.

e) R-Repeat: Indicates that the course is repeated.

f) RR-Repeat Resigned: Used for the repeated courses to raise grades.

g) (Different Official Gazette dated 14.09.2015 / 29475 no.) T-Transfer: Used for the courses from a program inside or outside of the higher education institution and approved for adjustment by the relevant board of directors and added in the grade average calculation. Courses transferred from foreign exchange programs are not included in the grade point average.

ğ) W- Withdrawal: This takes place after the date of add / drop within the period determined by the academic calendar and approved by the advisor.

Quality Assurance

In order to monitor the quality of higher education programs,

  • The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) is responsible for the planning, organization, management, and supervision of education, training, and other activities carried out in higher education institutions. "University Monitoring and Evaluation Reports" of higher education institutions, prepared annually within the criteria determined by YÖK, are published. Reports prepared according to these reports, containing quantitative and qualitative evaluations of higher education institutions, are shared with the public by YÖK.
  • Every year, YÖK publishes the "Foundation Higher Education Institutions Report", which includes academic, administrative, and financial data on foundation higher education institutions. These reports, which include quantitative and qualitative evaluations of foundation higher education institutions, are shared with the public by YÖK.
  • Quality assurance of undergraduate programs in higher education is provided according to the "Procedures and Principles for Providing Quality Assurance of Higher Education Diploma Programs":

1. Design and Approval of Curriculum:

1.1. YÖK determines the minimum standards and criteria required to open undergraduate departments and programs in higher education institutions.

1.2. The curriculum of undergraduate programs in higher education institutions and the learning outcomes that each program will bring to the student are determined by the senates of higher education institutions by the fundamental principles determined by YÖK on these issues.

1.3. Higher education institutions implement the curriculum of National Core Education Programs with the approval of the Council of Higher Education after being accepted by the relevant Deans Council.

2. Measurement-Evaluation: How to measure and evaluate the learning outcomes that each undergraduate program will provide to the student is carried out by the education, training, and examination regulations prepared by higher education institutions by the fundamental principles determined by the Council of Higher Education on these issues.

3. Certification: Students enrolled in undergraduate programs, if they successfully complete the course credits and other obligations determined by higher education institutions, receive a bachelor's degree.

4. Self-Evaluation-External Evaluation: In continuous monitoring, higher education institutions submit the "Institutional Internal Evaluation Reports" of the previous year into the Information System prepared by the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (YÖKAK) at the beginning of each year. The "Institutional Feedback Report" prepared by YÖKAK regarding the external evaluation of higher education institutions is shared with the public. In addition, accreditation decisions made by accreditation bodies authorized or recognized by YÖKAK also show that the quality assurance of the programs' qualifications is ensured. It conducts regular review activities regarding the qualifications determined by the YÖKAK legislation.

The Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of University Programs in Mathematical, Natural and Social Sciences (FEDEK)

Access Requirements Student admission is made according to the results of the central exam organized by the Measuring, Selection, and Placement Center (ÖSYM) and the principles determined by the Council of Higher Education. Student admission to the program is explained in detail under the heading "Student Admission" in the "About Yeditepe University" section.
Conditions for Success Successfully completing all courses available in the program (equivalent to a total of 240 ECTS) and having a weighted GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 are the qualification requirements for graduation.
Progression Paths (Relationship Type) Graduates of Translation Studies can work as translators as well as academics and teachers. Graduates can continue their education with master's and doctoral programs and stay in academia. Graduates who take pedagogical formation within the undergraduate program can teach. They can find jobs in government agencies and ministries, as well as in press and media institutions, law offices, tourism agencies, translation offices. In addition to these fields, graduates can work as subtitle translators, literary critics, interpreters and managers in various fields such as advertising, finance, insurance and public relations.
Legal Basis

1. Higher Education Law No. 2547

1.1. Regulation on the Principles of Transfer Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer

1.2. Regulation on the Continuation of Undergraduate Education for Graduates of Vocational Schools and Open Education Associate Degree Programs

2. Higher Education Law No. 2547 (Additional Article-35)

2.1.Higher Education Quality Assurance and Higher Education Quality Board Regulation

Validity Period (If Any) The qualification is valid at all times.