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Prof. Necdet Aslan Plasma and industrial applications and vacuum coating, Computational fluid dynamics
Prof. İpek Karaaslan Medical Physics, Monte Carlo simulations
Prof. Ertan Akşahin Nonlinear optics and quantum dots
Prof. Vildan Üstoğlu Ünal Nonlinear optics, Quantum dots, Computational fluid dynamics
Assist. Prof. Ertuğrul Demir Radiation damage to materials, Radiation shielding materials, Fast heavy ion (SHI) irradiation, Medical Physics, X-ray/Gamma rays/Neutron radiation, Nanocomposite materials, Green Materials
Assist. Prof. Ercüment Akat Solid state physics, rotational dynamics of solid objects
Assist. Prof. Fatma Melda Patan Alper Metrology, Nanometology, Quantum Mechanics, Temperature Metrology
Assist. Prof. Serhat Iştın

Experimental high energy and particle physics, Particle phenomenology

Res. Assist. Ahmet Cem Erdoğan

Mathematical Theory of Black Holes, Gravitation, Mathematical Physics

Res. Assist. Ercan Ocak

Artificial Intelligence, Programming Languages

Res. Assist. Berfu Nacar

Medical Physics, General Physics

Res. Assist. Erkan Kurban

Relativistic Mean Field Theory, Quantum Field Theory Related Topics, Ultra Peripheral Heavy Ion Collisions

Res. Assist. Muzaffer Tarık Afacan

Neutron Stars, Nuclear Physics