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Physics Department FEDEK Accreditation




FEDEK - Yeditepe University Specific Standards for Physics Program

Program Outputs

PO 1. Physics and Mathematics, knowledge of application skills
PO 2. Ability to design and conduct experiments (measurement, research design, etc.), analyze and interpret experimental results
PO 3. To provide the necessary education for the contribution to the social dimension that can meet the requirements in the measures of science and technology that the industry needs
PO 4. Ability to work in interdisciplinary teams
PO 5. Ability to identify, formulate and solve physics problems
PO 6. Professional and ethical responsibility awareness
PO 7. Effective communication skills
PO 8. Knowing the necessity of life-long learning and the ability to do it
PO 9. To have knowledge about contemporary professional issues and technological developments
PO 10. The ability to follow and effectively use physics literature

Program Teaching Objectives

TO 1. To equip students with basic physics, industrial physics and mathematics concepts necessary to be successful in basic and applied scientific practice and academic studies. (FEDEK I, II)
TO 2. Problem solving, laboratory and hand tool use, equipping and acquiring skills for students with a successful practical and fundamental scientist career. (FEEDEK I, IV)
TO 3. To be able to compete in areas where students can communicate effectively, especially in written and oral presentations, teamwork and interdisciplinary work, entrepreneurial spirituality, sense of responsibility, creative, knowing, self-confident. (FEDEK III, V, VII, VIII, X)
TO 4. Preparing to pursue professional and personal development by taking advantage of all kinds of information sources with the concept of life-long education. (FEDEK IX, X)
TO 5. Students can use active electronic, computer and software tools effectively. (FEDEK IX)
TO 6. To educate students as professional and social ethics, as ethical principles and environmental conscious physicists (FEDEK X)