Makalelerden Örnekler
“Exciton Related Nonlinear Optical Properties of a Spherical Quantum Dot ”, E. Aksahin, V. Üstoğlu Ünal, M. Tomak, Physica E, 74, 258-263, Elsevier, 2015.
“Exciton related optical absorption in a spherical quantum dot”, E. Aksahin, V. Üstoğlu Ünal, M. Tomak, Eur. Phys. J. B, 87: 265, Springer-Verlag 2014.
“Electric field effect on the refractive index changes in a Modified-Pöschl-Teller quantum well”, V. Üstoğlu Ünal, E. Akşahin, O. Aytekin, , Vol:47, 103-108, Elsevier,
“Nonlinear optical properties of a Woods-Saxon quantum dot under an electric field”, O. Aytekin, S. Turgut, V. Üstoğlu Ünal, E. Akşahin, M. Tomak, Physica E (Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures), Vol:54, 257-261, Elsevier
Lectures on electromagnetism