Title: Assoc. Prof.Department: Mathematics DepartmentPosition: Academic StaffEmail: tugba.akyel@yeditepe.edu.trTime: Full TimeAkademikResumeEducation and Research Experience: Postdoc: Department of Mathematics, Padova University, 2018. Ph.D.: Department of Mathematics, Gebze Teknik University, 2016. Master's Degree: Department of Mathematics, Gebze Teknik University, 2007. Bachelor's Degree: Department of Mathematics, Maltepe University, 2005. Research Areas: Complex Analysis, Potential Theory. Courses GivenDIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSCALCULUS IIIMATHEMATICAL LOGIC PublicationsAcademic Articles: AKYEL TUĞBA, LANZA DE CRISTOFORIS MASSIMO (2022). Microscopic behavior of the solutions of a transmission problem for the Helmholtz equation. A functional analytic approach. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Mathematica, 67(2), 383-402. AKYEL TUĞBA, LANZA DE CRISTOFORIS MASSIMO (2022). Asymptotic behavior of the solutions of a transmission problem for the Helmholtz equation: A functional analytic approach. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 45(9), 5360-5387. AKYEL TUĞBA (2022). Estimates for lambda-spirallike function of complex order on the boundary. Ukranian Mathematical Journal, 74(1), 3-13. ÖRNEK BÜLENT NAFİ, AKYEL TUĞBA (2021). On bounds for the derivative of analytic functions at the boundary. The Korean Journal of Mathematics, 29(4), 785-800. AKYEL TUĞBA (2021). Upper bound of Hankel determinant for a class of analytic functions. Filomat, 35(11), 3713-3720. AKYEL TUĞBA (2021). Some remarks for λ-spirallike function of complex order at the boundary of the unit disc. Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, 36(4), 743-757. AKYEL TUĞBA (2021). Some remarks on the Subordination Principle for analytic functions concerned with Rogosinski's lemma. The Korean Journal of Mathematics, 29(2), 293-304. AKYEL TUĞBA, ÖRNEK BÜLENT NAFİ (2020). Applications of the Jack’s lemma for the meromorphic functions at the boundary. Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, 38(7), 219-226. ÖRNEK BÜLENT NAFİ, AKYEL TUĞBA (2019). Some remarks for a certain class of holomorphic functions at the boundary of the unit disc. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 23(3), 446-452. ÖRNEK BÜLENT NAFİ, AKYEL TUĞBA (2019). Estimates for a certain subclass of holomorphic functions. Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: The Pure and Applied Mathematics, 26(2), 59-73. AKYEL TUĞBA, AZEROĞLU TAHİR (2018). Note on the uniqueness holomorphic function on the unit disk. Filomat, 32(6), 2321-2325. ÖRNEK BÜLENT NAFİ, AKYEL TUĞBA (2017). The generalizations of the Carathèodory Inequality for the holomorphic functions. SAÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21(6), 1254-1257. AKYEL TUĞBA, ÖRNEK BÜLENT NAFİ (2017). Some remarks on Schwarz lemma at the boundary. Filomat, 31(13), 4139-4151. ÖRNEK BÜLENT NAFİ, AKYEL TUĞBA (2017). Representation with majorant of the Schwarz Lemma at the boundary. Publications de l’Institut Mathématique, 101(115), 191-196. ÖRNEK BÜLENT NAFİ, AKYEL TUĞBA (2017). Uniqueness part of the Schwarz lemma at the boundary. Filomat, 31(12), 3643-3650. ÖRNEK BÜLENT NAFİ, AKYEL TUĞBA (2016). An improved lower bound for Schwarz lemma. Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: The Pure and Applied Mathematics, 23(1), 61-72. AKYEL TUĞBA, ÖRNEK BÜLENT NAFİ (2016). Sharpened forms of the generalized Schwarz inequality on the boundary. Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences, 126(1), 69-78. AKYEL TUĞBA, ÖRNEK BÜLENT NAFİ (2015). A sharp Schwarz Lemma at the boundary. Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: The Pure and Applied Mathematics, 22(3), 263-273. Conference Proceedings: AKYEL TUĞBA, ALTINAY HANDE (2023). On bounds of p−valent λ−spirallike functions of order α on the boundary. 7th International Conference of Mathematical Sciences ICMS 2023 AKYEL TUĞBA (2021). A singularly perturbed transmission problem for the Helmholtz equation. 13th ISAAC Congress. August 2–August 6, 2021, Ghent, Belgium AKYEL TUĞBA, ÖRNEK BÜLENT NAFİ (2021). An application of Schwarz Lemma for analytic functions in the unit disc. 5th International Conference of Mathematical Sciences (ICMS 2021). AIP Conference Proceedings 2483, 030012 (2022); Doi: 10.1063/5.0117524 AKYEL TUĞBA, ÖRNEK BÜLENT NAFİ (2020). Sharpened Forms for λ−Spirallike function of Complex Order on the Boundary. 4th International Conference of Mathematical Sciences (ICMS 2020). AIP Conference Proceedings 2334, 030002 (2021); Doi: 10.1063/5.0042260 AKYEL TUĞBA, ÖRNEK BÜLENT NAFİ (2019). On the rigidity part of Schwarz Lemma at the boundary. 3rd International Conference of Mathematical Sciences (ICMS 2019). AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 2183, 040003 (2019); Doi: 10.1063/1.5136123 AKYEL TUĞBA (2019). Some Remarks on the Uniqueness Part of Schwarz Lemma. 12th ISAAC Congress. July 29 to August 2, 2019 in Aveiro, Portugal. ÖRNEK BÜLENT NAFİ, AKYEL TUĞBA (2018). Some Results for a certain class of holomorphic functions at the boundary of the unit disc. 2nd International Conference of Mathematical Sciences (ICMS 2018). AIP Conference Proceedings 2086, 030030 (2019); Doi: 10.1063/1.5095115 AKYEL TUĞBA (2018). About Schwarz Lemma on the Boundary. Mini-courses in Mathematical Analysis - 2018 ÖRNEK BÜLENT NAFİ, AKYEL TUĞBA (2017). Estimates for a certain subclass of holomorphic functions. I. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES 2017)