The Department of English Language and Literature is a department that conducts reputable research at national and international level, accepts successful students at undergraduate and graduate levels, and whose graduates can make positive contributions to science and humanity in both domestic and abroad. The aim of the programme is to provide students with the ability to make interdisciplinary and intercultural connections, to look at people, phenomena and events as bias-free as possible, to know the value of the goals they set for themselves and to use this knowledge in their actions. Within the scope of the undergraduate programme, various genres and periods of English literature are studied; courses in textual analysis and criticism, comparative literature and American literature are offered. Within the Department of English Language and Literature, students are offered a comparative literature option in addition to English literature. The comparative literature option aims to provide a general perspective on contemporary cultural studies and literary issues.
Our department has been accredited by the Commission for Evaluation and Accreditation of Curricula of the Faculties of Science, Literature, Science-Literature, Language and History-Geography (FEDEK)* for a period of 3 years from 25 March 2023 to 30 September 2026.
*FEDEK is recognised by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) as a national quality assurance body for the accreditation of the Faculty of Education programmes.
Click here to watch the department introduction video.
The undergraduate programme of the Department of English Language and Literature aims to enable students to establish interdisciplinary and intercultural connections, to view people and phenomena objectively through this connection, and to transfer the knowledge they have acquired throughout the education process to daily life. In this sense, it is a department that aims to contribute to science and humanity.
The undergraduate programme of the Department of English Language and Literature provides education in the fields of comparative literature and textual analysis as well as the study of the periods of English literature from the past to the present. In particular, the comparative literature option within the education system of our department enables students to gain a different perspective in the context of both English literature and cultural studies.
Please click here for the undergraduate syllabus of the Department of English Language and Literature.
Double Major & Minor: When the student's grade point average is sufficient and the application is found positive, a protocol is prepared with any other department and the opportunity to double major is provided. Attention is paid to ensure that all these options are planned to be completed within the four-year programme. Students can apply for double major and minor programmes in their third and fifth semesters at the earliest and fifth semesters at the latest.
Our department has double major agreements with the Departments of Anthropology, Translation Studies, Philosophy, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, Journalism, Graphic Design, Public Relations and Publicity, English Language Teaching, Psychology, Radio, Television and Cinema, Advertising Design and Communication, Russian Language and Literature, Art and Culture Management, Political Science and International Relations, Theatre, Turkish Language and Literature, International Trade and Business Administration. In addition, double major agreements can be made upon the requests of our students and if the requirements are met.
Minor programmes do not require a protocol. Click here to review the minor programme.
Erasmus Exchange Programme: The Erasmus programme is a European Union programme to encourage higher education institutions to cooperate with each other. It provides free financial support for higher education institutions to produce and implement joint projects with each other and to carry out short-term student and staff exchanges.
In addition, it also encourages the increase of relations and cooperation between higher education institutions and the working environment in order to develop the higher education system in accordance with the needs of the business world and to increase the employability of university graduates in the business world.
We have Erasmus agreements with the following universities:
Klagenfurt University, Klagenfurt (Austria)
University of Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
La Sapienza University, Rome (Italy)
University of the West, Timisoara (Romania)
Oulu University, Oulu (Finland)
Vilnius University, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Cologne University, Cologne (Germany)
Wroclaw University, Wroclaw (Poland)
University of Athens, Athens (Greece)
Savoie University, Chambery (France)
Pedagogical Formation Certificate Programme: Students and graduates of the Department of English Language and Literature must complete the Pedagogical Formation Certificate Programme in order to become English Language Teachers. Click here for information about the programme content, quotas, application requirements and dates.
Graduates of the Department of English Language and Literature can pursue a career in different sectors according to their field of interest after their education. Graduates who want to engage in academic studies and lifelong learning can achieve this desire through MA and Ph.D. programmes and become academics. Graduates who want to teach English in both public schools and private courses are required to take pedagogical formation.
Graduates can work as translators, guides, editors, managers, copywriters, literary critics, literary critics, etc. in various fields such as ministries, translation and interpreting agencies, tourism agencies, news agencies, press and broadcasting organisations, advertising companies and the foreign trade sector. Click here for information about the views of our graduates.
Our students who successfully complete their undergraduate education can find career opportunities in different sectors according to their interests. Academics, teaching and translating are among the most preferred professions for graduates of the Department of English Language and Literature. Click here for information about the careers of our graduates.
Our department is within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
The language of instruction of our department is English.
Students are admitted to our undergraduate programme by central placement after the exams organised by the Student Selection and Placement Centre (ÖSYM).
There is no compulsory internship in our undergraduate curriculum.
Our university offers scholarships to students who enter our department with a degree. Students who fulfil certain conditions are exempted from some or all of the tuition fees. You can review the scholarship opportunities and conditions of undergraduate programmes here.