Prof. Adriana Luminita Raducanu | Comparative Literature, Gothic Literature, Shakespeare Studies, Mythology, Jungian Criticism, Memory in Literature |
Prof. Mehmet Oğuz Cebeci | Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism, Metaphor Theory, Comic Theory, Comparative Literature, Russian Formalism, Structuralism, Kitsch Theory, Contemporary Turkish Literature, Judgement of Literary Taste |
Prof. Charles Daniel Sabatos | Comparative Literature, Central European Cultural Studies, Translation Studies, Novel Theory |
Prof. Mediha Göbenli | Comparative Literature, World Literature, Memory in Literature, Literary Theories, Women's Literature, Feminist Literary Theories, Marxist Literary Theories, Exile and Migration Literature |
Assoc. Prof. Catherine MacMillan | Discourse Analysis, European Studies, Turkey/European Union Relations, Orientalism/Westernism |
Assist. Prof. Hatice Karaman | Shakespeare, Shakespeare and Philosophy, Literature and Philosophy, Contemporary Literary Theories |
Assist. Prof. Nina Cemiloğlu | Frankfurt School, Early Modern Women's Literature, Romantic Poetry Criticism, Victorian Poetry |
Assist. Prof. F. Bahar Karlıdağ | Modern British Theatre, Socialist Theatres (British and American), Working class movements in theatre and performing arts, 19th and 20th century working class leisure and recreational activities, Marxism and Culturalism in the History of Theatre and Performing Arts |
Assist. Prof. Burak Akkurt | Media Anthropology, Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism, Hero Theory in Literature, Mythology |
Lecturer Zeynep Rana Tav | Western Literature, Cinema and Literature, History of English Literature, 20th Century English Novel |
Res. Assist. Mehmet Korman | Historical Fiction and Novel, Literature and Identity Studies, Literature and Psychosocial Effects, Literature and Nationalism |
Res. Assist. Ayşegül Ernur Güloğlu | Shakespeare Studies, Early Modern Theatre, Contemporary Literary Theories, Literature and Politics |
Res. Assist. Semih Yararoğlu | 20th Century British Novel, Contemporary Literary Theories, Gender Studies, Literary Rewritings |