1. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
ELIT 101 | Survey of English Literature I | Core |
ELIT 105 | Introduction to Western Literature I | Core |
ELIT 107 | Literary Genres I | Core |
ELIT 116 | Introduction to Mythology | Core |
HUM 103 | Humanities | Core |
- | Elective - Foreign Language - 1 | Compulsory |
2. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
ELIT 102 | Survey of English Literature II | Core |
ELIT 106 | Introduction to Western Literature II | Core |
ELIT 108 | Literary Genres II | Core |
- | Elective - Department - 1 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Foreign Language - 2 | Compulsory |
3. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
ELIT 203 | Survey of American Literature | Core |
ELIT 205 | Introduction to Western Literature III | Core |
ELIT 211 | Eighteenth Century British Novel | Core |
- | Elective - Core - 1 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Foreign Language - 3 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Department - 2 | Compulsory |
4. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
ELIT 204 | Survey Of American Literature II | Core |
ELIT 212 | Nineteenth Century British Novel | Core |
ELIT 217 | Elizabethan & Jacobean Drama | Core |
- | Elective - Foreign Language - 4 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Department - 3 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Core - 2 | Compulsory |
5. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
ELIT 301 | History Of Literary Criticism I | Core |
ELIT 303 | Shakespeare in His Age | Core |
ELIT 343 | Translation of Literary Text | Core |
HTR 301 | History of Turkish Revolution I | Core |
- | Elective - Free - 1 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Department - 4 | Compulsory |
6. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
ELIT 302 | History Of Literary Criticism II | Core |
ELIT 318 | Romantic Poetry | Core |
ELIT 371 | Introduction to Linguistics | Core |
HTR 302 | History of Turkish Revolution II | Core |
- | Elective - Free - 2 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Department - 5 | Compulsory |
7. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
ELIT 401 | Contemporary Literary Theory I | Core |
ELIT 411 | Victorian Poetry I | Core |
- | Elective - Department - 6 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Free - 3 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Department - 7 | Compulsory |
8. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
ELIT 402 | Contemporary Literary Theory II | Core |
ELIT 419 | Twentieth Century British Literature | Core |
- | Elective - Extra - 4 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Extra - 3 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Free - 4 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Extra - 2 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Department - 9 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Extra - 29 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Department - 8 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Extra - 1 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Extra - 30 | Compulsory |