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Turkish Language and Literature Department Frequently Asked Questions

The Department of Turkish Language and Literature is a department that examines the development process of the Turkish language within history, the connection and interaction with other world languages, the structure of the Turkish language in general, the change and development in the history of Turkish Literature from past to present. The Department of Turkish Language and Literature makes it possible to have a significant degree of awareness about the Turkish language, which is only one of the most important elements of the people, the nation and the people who make up the nation. Literature is a fragment of life. It is to understand individual and social life and to be able to explain them within this framework.  Being interested in literature can be defined as learning to live, having experiences through various examples, and recognising life correctly with its true identity.  Yeditepe University Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Turkish Language and Literature approaches literature and Turkish language in accordance with these definitions. It guides students in understanding and explaining life through literature. The aim of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature is to raise individuals who have a good command of the content of Turkish Language and Literature, who examine its past, and who can easily make comparisons with other languages in some cases. Yeditepe University, Department of Turkish Language and Literature aims to raise individuals who are aware of themselves before every phenomenon and situation, who protect their cultural and social values, who fully believe in societies, and who are original and professional in their field. You can find detailed information about our department in the introductory videos below:


In our department, 4 years (8 semesters) of study is required.

In our department, there are core courses such as history of literature, classical and modern literary texts, history of language, theories of criticism. We also have an enriched and interdisciplinary curriculum with elective courses. Please see for detailed curriculum information:

"Pedagogical Formation Certificate" is required for Turkish Language and Literature graduates to teach. Formation programme is offered at our university. Students who want to get a teaching certificate can apply to the pedagogical formation programme immediately after their graduation. The programme covers two semesters; one semester is applied as theoretical courses and one semester as an internship. Students who wish to receive this certificate can teach in public schools and private institutions affiliated with the Ministry of National Education. Click here for information about the programme content, quotas, application conditions and dates.

In order to be a student of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature, preference is made with the verbal score of YKS.

Students of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature graduate with the title of Turkologist / Turkish Philologist.

Since the language of instruction in our department is Turkish, it is not compulsory to complete the English Preparatory Programme. Students who want to attend the Preparatory Programme can start their undergraduate programme after one or two semesters of the English Preparatory Programme. For detailed information about the English Preparatory Programme, please visit this link

Courses and exams in the Department of Turkish Language and Literature are conducted in Turkish. For students who do not prefer to take the Preparatory Programme, there are introductory English courses for two semesters in the first year of our curriculum.

There is no compulsory internship in our department.

Graduates of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature can work in different language-based professional positions. In addition, they can take part in language-related studies. Graduates work as Turkish Language and Literature teachers, Turkish language teachers, academics in universities, television channels, libraries and archives, advertising agencies, Turkish Language Institution, content writers and editors. In addition to the private sector, they can also have job opportunities in various public institutions and organisations. In general, our graduates have job opportunities in almost every field such as web content editing, journalism, advertising, editorial, content writing, screenwriting, classical copywriting and so on, where media and education knowledge is at the forefront and language and expression skills are needed. Click here for more detailed information about our graduates.

Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü mezunları dil tabanlı birbirinden farklı mesleki pozisyonlarda çalışabilmektedir. Bunun yanında dil ile alakalı çalışmalarda yer alabilmektedir. Mezunlar; Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı öğretmeni olarak, Türkçe öğretmeni olarak, üniversitelerde akademisyen olarak, televizyon kanallarında, kütüphane ve arşivlerde, reklam ajanslarında, Türk Dili Kurumunda, içerik yazarı ve editör olarak görevler üstlenmektedir. Özel sektörün yanı sıra çeşitli kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarında da iş imkanlarına sahip olabilmektedirler. Mezunlarımız genel olarak; medya ve eğitim bilgilerinin ön planda olduğu, dil ve anlatım yeteneklerine gereksinim duyulan, web içerik editörlüğü, gazetecilik, reklamcılık, editörlük, içerik yazarlığı, senaristlik, klasik metin yazarlığı ve bunlar gibi hemen her alanda iş imkanına sahiptirler. Mezunlarımız hakkında daha detaylı bilgi almak için tıklayınız.