Balcı, N. (2022). An Intermediary Genre: Clothing Social Facts with Memorial Candor in Ruth Behar’s The Vulnerable Observer. Septet (1): 14-27.
Balci, N. (2023). Lugubrious Victorians, Ludicrous Narratives: The Function of the Comic in Jane Harris’ The Observations. University of Bucharest Review. Literary and
Cultural Studies Series 13 (1), 81-90.
Konferans-Seminer- Atölye Çalışmaları
“Kapalı Toplum ve İçyüzü: Bireysel Bekâda Yanıltma Kavramının Rolü”. Liberal Düşünce Kongresi, 2018.
“From the Thralldom of ‘What?’ to the Freedom of ‘How?’: Creating a Center or a Perimeter for Art?” BAKEA International Symposium, 2019.
“COLORFUL SHADES: Painting Bare Facts with Memorial Candor in an Intermediary Genre”. The Prof. Süheyla Artemel Lectures: Memory in Literature and Culture, 2021.
"Lugubrious Victorians, Ludicrous Narratives: The Function of the Comic in Jane Harris’ The Observations". Humour and Pathos in Literature and the Arts. University of Bucharest, 2023
"Evils (Un)attended: Murdochian Ethics and Psychic Pandemonium in Sabahattin Ali's The Devil Within" Iris Murdoch and the East. University of Chichester, 2023.
Kitap çevirisi
Butler, E. (2022).101 Büyük Liberal Düşünür. (N. Balcı Trans.). Liberte. (original work published 2019).