Yeditepe University Department of history Research was published in the June issue of the journal.
This issue of our magazine click here to see the work contained.
The Journal's Editorial Board:
Editor In Chief
Prof. Dr. Ahmet TAŞAĞIL
Yeditepe University, Head of History Departmant
Aykut KAR
Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Ahmet TAŞAĞIL (Yeditepe University)
Prof. Dr. Tülay ALİM BARAN (Yeditepe University)
Prof. Dr. Tülay ALİM BARAN (Yeditepe University)
Prof. Dr. Mehmet BAYRAKDAR (Yeditepe University)
Prof. Dr. Mustafa SAFRAN (Gazi University)
Prof. Dr. Okan YEŞİLOT (Marmara University)
Prof. Dr. Zafer TOPRAK (Boğaziçi University)
Prof. Dr. Fevzi DEMİR (Mersin University)
Doç. Dr. Meltem ERİNÇMEN KÂNOĞLU (Yeditepe University)
Doç. Dr. Şerafettin Can ERDEM (Marmara University)
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ali AHMETBEYOĞLU (İstanbul University)