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Anthropology Department Courses

1. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
ANT 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Core
ANT 103 History of Anthropology Core
ANT 115 Scholarly Reading and Writing in Anthropology I Core
ANT 157 Culture and Archaeology Core
HUM 103 Humanities Core

2. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
ANT 116 Scholarly Reading and Writing in Anthropology II Core
ANT 158 Introduction to Social Theory Core
ANT 160 Biological Anthropology Core
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy Core
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology I Core

3. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
ANT 227 Anthropological Theory I Core
ANT 275 Turkish Mythology and Folk Beliefs Core
RSCH 411 Quantitative Research Methods Core
- Elective - Core - 1 Compulsory
- Elective - Free - 1 Compulsory
- Elective - Area - 1 Compulsory

4. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
ANT 220 Ethnography: Critics and Applications Core
ANT 228 Anthropological Theory II Core
ANT 276 Kinship and Social Organization Core
- Elective - Area - 2 Compulsory
- Elective - Free - 2 Compulsory
- Elective - Core - 2 Compulsory

5. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
ANT 317 Anthropological Studies in Rural Areas Core
ANT 319 Ethnography and the History of Anthropology Turkey Core
ANT 383 Gender and Culture Core
HTR 301 History of Turkish Revolution I Core
- Elective - Free - 3 Compulsory
- Elective - Area - 3 Compulsory

6. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
ANT 334 Ritual and Religion Core
ANT 358 Research Technologies and Ethics Core
HTR 302 History of Turkish Revolution II Core
- Elective - Area - 4 Compulsory
- Elective - Free - 4 Compulsory

7. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
ANT 419 Ecology and Anthropology Core
ANT 459 Current Debates in Anthropology Core
ANT 463 Project Design in Social Sciences Core
- Elective - Area - 5 Compulsory
- Elective - Free - 5 Compulsory

8. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
ANT 432 Politics and Culture Core
ANT 464 Medical Anthropology Core
ANT 498 Writing Thesis Core
- Elective - Extra - 4 Compulsory
- Elective - Extra - 1 Compulsory
- Elective - Extra - 2 Compulsory
- Elective - Extra - 30 Compulsory
- Elective - Area - 6 Compulsory
- Elective - Extra - 3 Compulsory
- Elective - Free - 6 Compulsory
- Elective - Extra - 29 Compulsory