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Anthropology Department Research Areas

Prof. Ebru Kayaalp

Science and Technology Studies, Disaster Studies, Risk and Uncertainty, Anthropocene, Media and Communication, Cultural Studies


2023. Exploring Past Images in a Digital Age. Reinventing the Archive. ed. Nezih Erdoğan and Ebru Kayaalp, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 

2023. Covid-19 Pandemic, Hydroxychloroquine and Healthcare System in Turkey’, in The Legitimacy of Public Health and Health Care: Anthropological Perspectives, ed. Italo Pardo & Giuliana B. Prato, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 113-126, 2023.

2023. ‘Kadıköy Örneği: İstanbul’da Riskli Yapı Etnografisi’, Birikim, Vol. 408, 45-52.

2022. ‘Covid-19 Pandemic, Health Policy and the Question of Legitimacy in Turkey’ Urbanities, Vol. 12 (6), 66-71. 

2021. ‘Risk ve Nüfus Tartışmaları Bağlamında Türkiye’de  Covid-19 Pandemisi’ (with İbrahim Burhan Işık), Salgın Halleri: Covid-19 ve Toplumsal Eşitsizlikler, ed. Bahar Aykan and Onur Bilginer, Nika Yayınevi: Ankara, 19-50.

2021. ‘Earth in Practice: Uncertainty, Expertise, and the Expected Istanbul Earthquake’ (with Onur Arslan), Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space,

2021. ‘Do You Think This is Normal?’: Risk, Temporality, and the Management of Children’s Food Allergies through Online Support Groups,’ Health, Risk and Society, Vol. 23(3), 128-142.

Prof. Egemen Yılgür

Urban poverty, Urban History, Urban Anthropology, Urban Sociology, Political Anthropology, Labour History, Peripatetics and late-Peripatetics, Romani Studies, Hunter-Gatherers, Urbanisation and Urban Poverty in the Late-Ottoman Empire


2024. “Formel, Enformel ve Geleneksel Mahalle Deneyimi Üzerine Düşünceler” Varlık, Nisan.


2024. "The 1858 tax reform and the ‘other nomads’ in Ottoman Asia", Middle Eastern Studies, 60(2), 161-180,

2022. "Mustafa Mehmet: One of Those Tobacco Workers", Roma Portraits in History, eds. Elena Marushiakova, Vesselin Popov, Leiden: Brill. 


2022. "Formation of Informal Settlements and the Development of the Idiom Teneke Mahalle in the Late-Ottoman Istanbul." Journal of Urban History, 48(3), 608-637.

2021. "Turcoman Gypsies in the Balkans: Just a Preferred Identity or More?", Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Dr. Veselin Popov, eds. Hristo Kyuchukov, Sofiya Zahova, Ian Dumunica, Lincom Academic Publishing

2021. "Training in the USSR." Roma Voices in History, eds. Elena Marushiakova, Veselin Popov, Brill, Leiden, 288-300.

2021. "The Tobacco Workers, Roma Voices in History." eds. Elena Marushiakova, Veselin Popov, Brill, Leiden, 271-278.

2021. "The Petition from Xanthi, Roma Voices in History." eds. Elena Marushiakova, Veselin Popov, Brill, Leiden, 19-21.

2021. "Teneke Mahallesi (Bomonti-Feriköy): Akışlar, Karşılaşmalar ve Dönüşüm," Bomonti Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Mekânın Belleği, eds. Çağlayan Kovanlıkaya, Derya Fırat, Egemen Yılgür, Şükrü Aslan, Aylin Dikmen, İletişim, İstanbul, 89-136.

2021. "Media Testimonials." Roma Voices in History, eds. Elena Marushiakova, Veselin Popov, Brill, Leiden, 284-287.

2021. "An Obituary for Zehra Kosova, Roma Voices in History." eds. Elena Marushiakova, Veselin Popov, Brill, Leiden, 278-283.

2021. "Âlem-i Çinçin’de Vukuatsız Bir Yolculuk: 'Soba, Pencere Camı ve İki Ekmek İstiyoruz' ", Parlak Yıldızlardık O zaman Kültür Çalışmaları Meral Özbek’e Armağan I, eds. Tülin Ural, Bahadır Vural, İletişim, İstanbul, 81-108.

Assist. Prof. Alexander Wasse

Neolithic and Chalcolithic of the Levant, Cyprus, Anatolia, Mesopotamia and Arabia; Prehistory of the Black Desert, Jordan; Pastoralism in the archaeological record; Ethnoarchaeology of nomadic / mobile societies; Archaeology of animals and birds; Human responses to climatic and environmental change; Prehistoric art and rock art


2023. (co-author Clarke, J.). Mesopotamian fallow deer and the chase in later Neolithic Cyprus: insights from upper Mesopotamia, the Levant and badia. ICAS-EMME 3 Proceedings. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 48:

2022. (co-authors Jenkins, H., Andrews, J., Rowan, Y., White, T., Philip, G., Marca, A., Clarke). Local-scale environmental gradients in ‘snail-shell’ stable isotopes from Holocene Jordanian archaeological sites. The Holocene 33(3): 255-56.

2022. (co-authors Jones, M.D., Richter, T., Rollefson, G., Rowan, Y., Roe, J., Toms, P., Wood, J., Ikram, H., Williams, M., Alshdaifat, A., Nørskov Pedersen, P., Esaid, W.) The palaeoenvironmental potential of the eastern Jordanian desert basins (Qe'an). Quaternary International 635: 73-82.

2022. (co-authors Rollefson, G., Rowan, Y., Braun, G., Heidkamp, B., Hill, A.C., Kersel, M., Lorentzen, B. and Ramsay, B.) Eastern Badia Archaeological Project: preliminary report on the 2018 excavation season at Late Neolithic Structure W-80, Wisad Pools. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 60.

Assist. Prof. Ayşe Hilal Tuztaş Horzumlu

Anthropology of Mobility, Nomadism, Visual Anthropology, Rural Anthropology, Urban Anthropology


2024- “Studying the Yoruks as "the other" within the History of Turkish Anthropology Between 1880 and 1938”. International Conference Between The Worlds:Contesting (Im)Possible Identities. 16-18 May 2024- Bulgaria (Basılmış Özet)

2022- “Güneydoğu Anadolu Yörüklerini Daniel G. Bates’in Çalışmaları ile Yorumlamak,” Avrasya’da Göç Hareketleri: Orta Asya ve Anadolu’dan Balkanlara Yörükler, Bursa. s.199- 212.

Assist. Prof. Rula Nuri Shafiq-Baysan

Bioarchaeology, archaeology, osteology, morturary treatment, paleopathology, dental pathology, cremation


2023. Can DISH be a marker for greater social stratification: Jericho’s Early Bronze IV and Tell Atchana, Alalakh. In E. Ben-Yosef and I. W. N. Jones (Eds) , And in length of days understanding (Job 12:12): Essays on Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond in Honor of Thomas E. Levy, Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology, Springer Nature, Switzerland AG, pp.453-468.

2022. The human skeletal remains. In K. D. Politis (Ed.) Ancient Landscapes of Zoara II. Finds From Surveys And Excavations At The Ghor As-Safi In Jordan, 1997–2018. (1st ed.). Routledge, London, pp.269-285.

2021. (Co-Authors Buckley, S., Power, R.C., Andreadaki-Vlazaki, M. Akar, M., Becher, J.,..., Schultz, M., Stockhammer, P.W.). Archaeometric evidence for the earliest exploitation of lignite from the bronze age Eastern Mediterranean. Scientific Reports 11, 24185.

2021. (Co-Authors Ingman, T., Eisenmann, S., Skourtanioti, E., Akar, M.,…, Stockhammer, P.). Human mobility at Tell Atchana (Alalakh), Hatay, Turkey during the 2nd millennium BC: Integration of isotopic and genomic evidence. PLoS ONE 16(6):e0241883. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241883

Ferzan Durul, Ph.D. The Anthropology of Human Rights, The Philosophical Basis of Human Rights, Historical Basis of Human Rights, Philosophical Anthropology, Ethnographic Research Methods, Educational Anthropology (Human Rights Education), Humanities, East and South-East Anatolia Field Studies, The Study of Indigenous Communities in Kanawaki Region in Canada: Mohawk
Cemre Aydoğan, Ph.D.

Cultural and Political Anthropology, Nationalism, Ethnicity, Ethnic Politics, Collective Memory/Nostalgia, Identity Politics in Central and Eastern Europe


2024. Book Review: Katja Praznik. Art Work: Invisible Labour and the Legacy of Yugoslav Socialism. University of Toronto Press, 2021. 217 pp., $79.00 (cloth), $79.00 (e-book). Slavic & East European Journal, Vol. 68, No. 1: 115-117. (AHCI)

2022.  “The socialist period was a fairy tale’: Yugo-nostalgia and anti-nationalism in Bosnia-Herzegovina.” Anthropological Notebooks, Vol. 28, No. 2: 23-54. (ISSN: 2232-3716) (SSCI)

2022. Book Review: Nationalism: A Very Short Introduction, Steven Grosby. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, 142 Pages, ISBN: 978-0192840981, $11.94. Euras Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 1: 199-201 (Book Reviews). 

2022. Book Review: Nationalism and Sexuality: Middle-Class Morality and Sexual Norms in Modern Europe, George L. Mosse. Madison and Wisconsin: the Univesity of Wisconsin Press, 2020, xv+230 Pages, ISBN: 9780299329648,  Ethnic and Racial Studies. (published online ahead of printing) (Book Review). 

2021/2. “Marko Nikezić: A Struggle for Anti-Nationalism in Socialist Yugoslavia.” Rivista di Studi Politici, Vol. 2: 255-264. (ISSN: 1120-4036)

2021. “Kosova: Etnik Güvenlik İkilemi Örneği.” In G. Tanrıverdi (ed.), Dünyadan Örneklerle Barış Süreçleri. Ankara: Siyasal Kitapevi. 

2021. “A rupture in Turkey’s memory: Narratives of Bosnian war (1992-1995) in Turkish Islamist Journals.” In. W. Montanari and S. Zakeri (eds.), Iconografie europee. Roma: Edizioni Nuova Cultura.

2021. Book Review: Under the Banner of Islam: Turks, Kurds, and the Limits of Religious Unity, Gülay Türkmen. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2021, 204 Pages, ISBN: 9780197511817, €53.00. Journal of Kurdish Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2: 251-253. (ESCI)

2021. Book Review: Belonging and Genocide: Hitler’s Community, 1918-1945, Thomas Kühne. New Heaven and London: Yale University Press, 2010, 224 Pages, ISBN: 9780300121865, $35.00. Euras Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1: 169-171

Res. Assist. Yaren Emmez

Mortuary Practices and Rituals, Southwest Asia Neolithic, Terror Management Theory, Evolutionary Psychology, Cultural Heritage


2023. (co-authors Güryol, Y and Büyükkarakaya, A.M.). Yaşam Öyküsü Kuramıyla İnsanın Gelişimsel Sürecini Yeniden Değerlendirmek, In B. Tekeş-Tolungüç (ed.), Evrimsel Psikoloji, Nobel Publishing: Ankara.

2023. (co-authors Sertalp, E., Bütün, E., Doğan, E., and Büyükkarakaya, A. M.). Raising public awareness of at-risk cultural heritage through new methods of digital archaeology: The case of the “Face of Juliopolis” Exhibition. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 23(2), 175-195. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8179461

Res. Assist. Ümit Cevher Elmas Geoanthropology, Human-environment Interactions, Archaeopalynology, Mediterranean Societies