• Turkish
  • English
Course Code: 
PSY 101
Course Type: 
Course Language: 
Course Objectives: 
This course aims at providing students with a general and broad introduction to the field of psychology. At the end of this course, the student will develop an understanding of core psychological concepts and theories, as well as the scientific study of behavioral and mental processes.
Course Content: 

Introduces Psychology as an empirical science and discusses biological and evolutionary bases of behavior. Examines basic psychological processes such as motivation, emotion, learning, development, and social behavior.

Course Methodology: 
1: Lecture, 2: Discussion, 3: Seminar, 4: Research, 5: Simulation/Case study/Role playing, 6: Problem session, 7: Guest speaker
Course Evaluation Methods: 
A: Exam, B: Assignment, C: Presentation, D: Research, E: Debate, F: Quiz, G: Participation

Vertical Tabs

Course Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes Program


Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Ability to explain psychology, as the science of behavior and mental processes, and subfields of psychology 1,2,11,12,13,


1,2 A
Ability to describe core psychological concepts and theories 1,3,9,15,16 1,2 A
Ability to explain the principles of scientific methods to study behavior and mental processes, and show  examples of research conducted in the various areas of psychology 2, 3, 5, 6, 8,15,16 1,2 A

Course Flow

Week Topics Study Materials
1 Introduction to the course  
2 What is Psychology?

Research Methods in Psychology

Textbook Chapters 1, 2
3 Biological and Evolutionary Roots of Behavior Textbook Chapter 3
4 Learning 1 Textbook Chapter 6
5 Learning 2 Textbook Chapter 6
6 Revision Textbook Chapters 1,2,3 & 6
7 Midterm exam Textbook Chapters 1,2,3 & 6
8 Human Development 1 Textbook Chapter 10
9 Human Development 2 Textbook Chapter 10
10 Motivation Textbook Chapter 11
11 Emotion, Stress and Health 1 Textbook Chapter 12
12 Emotion, Stress and Health 2 Textbook Chapter 12
13 Social Psychology Textbook Chapter 16
14 Social Psychology Textbook Chapter 16

Recommended Sources

Textbook Gerrig, R. J. (2010). Psychology and Life, 20th Edition. Allyn & Bacon (Pearson). ISBN-13: 978-0-205-87327-2, ISBN-10: 0-205-87327-8
Additional Resources Mypsychlab (Pearson Learning Website)

Introductory Psychology Video Series

Material Sharing



Mid-terms 1 100
Total   100
Contribution of Final Examination to overall grade   60
Contribution of in-term studies to overall grade   40
Total   100

Course’s Contribution to Program

No Program Learning Outcomes Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 Mastering the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, and historical trends of psychology as a scientific discipline.         X
2 Demonstrating familiarity with the subfields of psychology and their methods and applications.     X    
3 Incorporating the theories and empirical bases of psychology.     X    
4 Comparing the similarities and differences of other scientific disciplines with psychology, understanding their potential contribution to psychology, and develop an awareness of interdisciplinary studies. X        
5 Understanding the basic characteristics and principles of psychological research, and research ethics.     X    
6 Understanding the basic research methods in psychology, including research design, data collection, data analysis and interpretation by using recent information technologies.   X      
7 Designing and conducting research studies to answer psychological questions by using relevant research methods, knowledge and skills. X        
8 Learning to access knowledge, to use it effectively, to review interdisciplinary literature, and to use the relevant database and other resources.   X      
9 Applying critical thinking and scientific approach to understand theories, research methods and applications in psychology.   X      
10 Developing analytical, critical and creative thinking and expression—being both logical and fluent. X        
11 Developing an awareness of potential application areas of main research findings in psychology.   X      
12 Incorporating theoretical and practical knowledge in the area of psychology and its related areas of specialization.   X      
13 Learning the application areas and methods of psychology, and understanding the importance of the commitment to the professional code of ethics.   X      
14 Integrating psychological knowledge and theories to produce social, cultural and theoretical explanations within the framework of professional code of ethics. Exhibiting an awareness of social sensitivity and individual responsibility.   X      
15 Working effectively both as a team, as well as independently.         X
16 Thinking, reading, writing, and communicating in English effectively.         X


Activities Quantity Duration
Course Duration (Including the exam week: 14x Total course hours) 14 3 42
Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) 14 6 84
Mid-terms 1 12 12
Final examination 1 12 12
Total Work Load     150
Total Work Load / 25 (h)     6
ECTS Credit of the Course     6