• Turkish
  • English

Dear 1. year students,

Welcome to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and your relative departments.

We are happy to bring you a series of videos designed to inform you about some technical details you will need to use in your online classes. The first group of these videos will introduce you a system called COADSYS (Moodle). This system is used by the faculty for a variety of educational purposes such as sharing lecture notes, assigning and assessing homework, conducting short exams, organizing forums, posting announcements about classess or departmental academic activities. You may reach these videos from the links below:

COADSYS Introduction Video #1

COADSYS Introduction Video #2

COADSYS Introduction Video #3

Please feel free to contact us at fef@yeditepe.edu.tr if you have any suggestions or ideas to improve on these videos. We wish you a healty and successful semester. Stay safe.


Dean's Office
