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Russian Language Preparatory Program

Russian Language and Literature Department at Yeditepe University requires the Russian language preparatory program. Students who succeed in the university entrance exam in our department receive one year of Russian language education in the Preparation Class. The aim is for students to master Russian at the B1 level according to the European Language Portfolio through courses on Russian grammar, speaking, and text comprehension and writing in two semesters. At the end of the academic year, students with a general GPA of 60 continue their undergraduate studies. Students who fail are given the opportunity to repeat the preparatory education for another year. Students admitted to the Russian Language and Literature Department who are already proficient in Russian have the option to skip the Preparation Class and start their undergraduate education if they score 60 or above on the B1 level exemption exam. Proficiency exams are held at the beginning of the academic year.

Information about the Proficiency Exam:

The Russian Proficiency Exam consists of five parts:

  1. Grammar: This section consists of grammar questions.
  2. Listening: This section has two different listening questions. Students listen to audio clips twice, and then they are asked to answer questions related to the clips.
  3. Reading - Comprehension: In this section, students are given two different written texts, and they are expected to answer questions based on these texts.
  4. Writing: In this section, students need to choose one of two different topics presented to them and write a composition.
  5. Speaking: Students who take the written exam are individually taken for the oral exam. They are presented with several different texts, choose one, and are given a certain amount of time to think about the content. A mutual conversation is then conducted about the selected text.

Students who score 60 and above out of 100 in the Russian Proficiency Exam are considered successful and qualify to continue their undergraduate education.

The topics of the Russian Proficiency Exam are listed below.


  • Глаголы на -ся

  • Наречия

  • НСВ и СВ

  • Родительный падеж сущ., прилаг. и мест.

  • Дательный падеж сущ., прилаг. и мест.

  • Винительный падеж сущ., прилаг. и мест.

  • Творительный падеж сущ., прилаг. и мест.

  • Предложный падеж сущ., прилаг. и мест.

  • Употребление предлогов с падежами

  • Глаголы движения без преф.

  • Глаголы движения с преф.

  • Транзитивные глаголы движения

  • Причастие

  • Деепричастие

  • Условные конструкции 

  • Прямая и косвенная речь

  • Смысловые глаголы с префиксами

  • Краткое прилагательное

  • Сослагательное наклонение

  • Негативные конструкции с не- и ни-



  • Мой день

  • Свободное время

  • Питание-Здоровье

  • Мой дом

  • Как я учу русский язык

  • Мой друг

  • Выбор профессии

  • Отдых 

  • Стиль жизни

  • Культура и искусство