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Yeditepe University

3rd Graduate Conference of Literary Studies:

Digital Humanities & Literature


16 June 2023, Online


Will criticism continue to be primarily interpretive? Are there new models of interpretation? Will literary studies and hence literary criticism need to take new forms? Will the move from a print-based to an electronic-based culture have repercussions for the concept of literature and hence for criticism?

– Jonathan Culler, “Critical Paradigms” 


Culler’s string of questions points to literature’s potential to expand its traditional outlook by extending the digital dimension taking us closer to Todorov’s concept of poetics as “a sum of possible forms: what literature can be rather than what it is” (1977, p. 33). The rise of digital humanities is continuing to enhance and revolutionize the study of literature. Innovative methods of literary analysis have been made possible by the capacity to digitize and analyse literary texts in new ways, opening up intriguing lines of investigation. In the light of this, we invite graduate students to submit proposals for papers on digital humanities and literature for our upcoming conference. We hope to find the opportunity to discuss and relocate literature in digital ecologies while exchanging ideas on the potentialities of literary criticism in an extremely digitalised age.


We welcome papers that explore any aspect of digital humanities in relation to literature, including but not limited to:


-Digital archives and databases supporting literary studies

-Textual analysis using digital tools and methods

-Visualization and mapping of literary data

-Digital pedagogy in literature studies

-Ethics and practices of digital humanities research

-Use of digital tools in teaching and learning literature

-Impact of digital technologies on literary production and reception, i.e. OpenAI, ChatGPT

-Digital storytelling and interactive narrative in literary works

-Legal Humanities

-Digital humanities and social justice: exploring intersections and possibilities

-Cybertextuality and Cyber Criticism

-Cyber Gothic

-New perspectives on literary criticism and theory

-Digital humanities & Comparative Literature

-Digital literary adaptations

-Critical race theory and literature in digital humanities

-Environmental Humanities

-Global Humanities

-Medical Humanities



Plenary speakers are to be announced.


Proposal submission:

We welcome proposals up to 300 words including the author’s name, institutional affiliation, presentation title, and a brief biographical note. Proposals should be sent by June 2, 2023 to aysegul.ernur@yeditepe.edu.tr and/or semih.yararoglu@yeditepe.edu.tr.

The presentations will be 15-20 minutes in length, followed by a Q&A session.


We look forward to receiving your proposals and to engaging in stimulating discussions about the intersections of digital humanities and literature.


No participation fee is required.


The presenters will be given an e-certificate following the participation.

Notification of Acceptance: June 5, 2023

Programme Announcement: June 9, 2023
