Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
MATH 411 | Geometries | Seçmeli |
MATH 413 | Classical Lie Groups And Lie Algebras | Seçmeli |
MATH 416 | Readings In Geometry | Seçmeli |
MATH 422 | Galois Theory | Seçmeli |
MATH 425 | Readings In Algebra | Seçmeli |
MATH 441 | Readings In Differential Equations | Seçmeli |
MATH 453 | Readings In Analysis | Seçmeli |
MATH 426 | Ideals and Varieties | Seçmeli |
MATH 348 | Mathematical Modelling | Seçmeli |
MATH 365 | Numerical Analysis | Seçmeli |
MATH 427 | Computatıonal Algebra | Seçmeli |
MATH 353 | Real Anaysıs II | Seçmeli |
MATH 355 | Convex Analysıs And Optımızatıon | Seçmeli |
MATH 423 | Introduction to Representatıon Theory | Seçmeli |
MATH 424 | Category Theory In Computation | Seçmeli |
MATH 462 | Mathematical Statistics | Seçmeli |
MATH 344 | Fourier Analysis | Seçmeli |
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
MATH 440 | Introduction to Graph Theory | Seçmeli |