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Elective List

Ders Dönemi: Güz
Course Code Course Name Course Type
MATH 411 Geometries Seçmeli
MATH 413 Classical Lie Groups And Lie Algebras Seçmeli
MATH 416 Readings In Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 422 Galois Theory Seçmeli
MATH 425 Readings In Algebra Seçmeli
MATH 441 Readings In Differential Equations Seçmeli
MATH 453 Readings In Analysis Seçmeli
MATH 426 Ideals and Varieties Seçmeli
MATH 348 Mathematical Modelling Seçmeli
MATH 365 Numerical Analysis Seçmeli
MATH 427 Computatıonal Algebra Seçmeli
MATH 353 Real Anaysıs II Seçmeli
MATH 355 Convex Analysıs And Optımızatıon Seçmeli
MATH 423 Introduction to Representatıon Theory Seçmeli
MATH 424 Category Theory In Computation Seçmeli
MATH 462 Mathematical Statistics Seçmeli
MATH 344 Fourier Analysis Seçmeli
Ders Dönemi: Bahar
Course Code Course Name Course Type
MATH 440 Introduction to Graph Theory Seçmeli