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Elective List

Ders Dönemi: Güz
Course Code Course Name Course Type
BBA 414 Total Quality Management Seçmeli
TRA 208 British Civilization Seçmeli
BBA 416 Quality Management System Seçmeli
BBA 418 EFQM Seçmeli
BBA 404 Financial Statement Analysis Seçmeli
ARE 151 Real Estate Ethics Seçmeli
HRM 221 Effective Communicatıon Techniques in the Organizations Seçmeli
HRM 432 Human Capital Management Seçmeli
ARE 351 Construction Accounting Seçmeli
ARE 454 Green Building and Sustainability Seçmeli
HRM 332 Work and Professional Ethic Seçmeli
PA 206 Contemporary Theories of Democracy Seçmeli
TLL 399 Popular Culture and Literature Seçmeli
TLL 466 Self’s Texts and Auto/Biography In Literature Seçmeli
VCD 277 2D Animation Seçmeli
VCD 423 Art Sociology Seçmeli
ATD 311 Import and Export Management Seçmeli
ECON 311 Public Finance Seçmeli
ACM 312 Management Information Systems Seçmeli
COMM 324 Persuasion and Perception Seçmeli
PSY 241 Social Psychology Seçmeli
EDTR 352 Teaching Contemporary Literary Criticism Seçmeli
MATH 411 Geometries Seçmeli
MATH 413 Classical Lie Groups And Lie Algebras Seçmeli
MATH 416 Readings In Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 422 Galois Theory Seçmeli
MATH 425 Readings In Algebra Seçmeli
MATH 441 Readings In Differential Equations Seçmeli
MATH 453 Readings In Analysis Seçmeli
MATH 454 Calculus of Variations Seçmeli
PA 406 Globalization and Governance Seçmeli
PA 418 Political Communication Seçmeli
PA 422 Social and Political History Seçmeli
ACM 363 Wireless Networks and Mobile Communication Systems Seçmeli
TLL 353 War And Literature Seçmeli
ATH 313 Airline Management II Seçmeli
ATH 204 Airline Management I Seçmeli
ACM 432 Enterprise Information Systems Seçmeli
ADV 201 Event Marketing Seçmeli
PSIR 201 History of Political Thought Seçmeli
ADV 452 Advertising Copywriting and Visualization Seçmeli
ARCH 385 Architectural Sketching Seçmeli
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology I Seçmeli
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology Seçmeli
COMM 421 Gender and Media Seçmeli
TLL 456 Media Oriented Writing Seçmeli
ACM 476 Data Mining Seçmeli
BBA 412 Entrepreneurship (KOSGEB) Seçmeli
CULA 323 Restaurant Management Seçmeli
CULA 343 Food Events and Communications Seçmeli
CULA 418 Culinary Herbs Seçmeli
CULA 456 Food in Media Seçmeli
CULA 499 Food Beliefs & Rituals in Anatolia Seçmeli
TLL 120 History of Turkish Culture Seçmeli
ETT 321 Digital Entrepreneurship Seçmeli
SPRI 400 Politique Etrangère de l'Union Européenne Seçmeli
SPRI 414 Visualisation des données et cartographie en sciences sociales - 1 Seçmeli
AFN 323 Future of Banking with Akbank Seçmeli
AFN 345 Financial Management Seçmeli
AFN 420 Algorithmic Trading Seçmeli
MATH 183 Mathematical Logic Seçmeli
HRM 342 Technological Developments and Applications in Business Life Seçmeli
ART 250 Art Publishing Seçmeli
ART 251 Arts and Cultural Institutions Management I Seçmeli
ART 252 Arts and Cultural Institutions Management II Seçmeli
ART 253 Communication Models in Art and Culture Industries Seçmeli
ART 254 Documentation and Archiving in Art Seçmeli
ART 256 Arts and Cultural Projects in Public Space Seçmeli
ART 257 Event Management Seçmeli
ART 258 Exhibition Design and Techniques Seçmeli
ART 259 Visual Art Analysis Seçmeli
AFN 360 Blockchain Applications and Cryptocurrencies Seçmeli
AFEA 112 English Speaking Course II Seçmeli
RTC 372 Motion Design Practicum Seçmeli
AFKA 301 Korean Language V Seçmeli
EDEN 306 Sociolinguistics & English Education Seçmeli
ART 255 Media Art,Virtual Reality,NFT and Metaverse Seçmeli
COMM 210 Media Literacy Seçmeli
ATD 426 International Risk Management Seçmeli
ECON 364 Health Economics Seçmeli
ECON 370 Cinema and Economics Seçmeli
ECON 371 Reading the World and Turkish Economy Seçmeli
ECON 461 Economics of Strategy Seçmeli
ECON 342 Global Economy Seçmeli
ECON 463 Critique of Orthodox Economics Seçmeli
ECON 412 Industrial Organization Seçmeli
ECON 366 Economics of European Seçmeli
PLA 105 Painting Seçmeli
PLA 117 Life Drawing Seçmeli
PLA 141 Serigraphy Seçmeli
PLA 171 Media Art Seçmeli
PLA 352 Etching Seçmeli
ATR 498 Innovation Project Seçmeli
ART 260 Sustaınability in Arts and Culture Managemenet Seçmeli
TED 103 Technology Addiction Seçmeli
POD 101 Introduction to Podacst Seçmeli
THTR 317 Art and Politics Seçmeli
ARCH 432 Model Making Seçmeli
SUST 301 Sustainable Development Seçmeli
MAN 327 Strategıen Der Dıgıtalen Transformation Seçmeli
PTR 257 Integrative Rehabilitation for Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Seçmeli
PTR 255 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Physiotherapy Seçmeli
INTD 481 Smart Buildings Seçmeli
MTH 424 Generative Artificial Intelligence Models Seçmeli
ATD 403 The Logistics Adventure with DHL Express Seçmeli
Ders Dönemi: Bahar
Course Code Course Name Course Type
ATH 304 Destination Management Seçmeli
PSIR 491 Internship Seçmeli
AFN 419 Marketing of Financial Services Seçmeli
ARE 352 Türkiye’de Kentsel Dönüşüm Uygulamaları Seçmeli
ARE 323 Real Estate Marketing and Management Seçmeli
ARE 402 Real Estate Contracts Seçmeli
ARE 432 Risk Measurement and Management in Real Estate Seçmeli
HIST 210 Paleograph II Seçmeli
HRM 222 Meeting and Presentation Techniques Seçmeli
HRM 312 Social Psychology and Group Dynamics Seçmeli
ACM 496 Seminars in MIS Seçmeli
MAN 436 Enterprise Resource Planning Management Seçmeli
PSIR 212 Theories of International Relations Seçmeli
ARE 453 Local Government and Urbanization Seçmeli
HIST 114 History of Pre-Islamic Turkish Culture Seçmeli
ATR 202 Integrated Global Logistics Seçmeli
ATR 308 Intelligent Supply Chain System Seçmeli
HIST 316 History of Turkish States in India Seçmeli
HIST 426 Women in the Turkish History Seçmeli
HIST 314 History of Istanbul Seçmeli
HIST 338 History of Russia Seçmeli
HIST 358 American History Seçmeli
HIST 410 Republican Turkish Foreign Policy Seçmeli
HIST 498 Research Technique in History Seçmeli
PHIL 122 Ancient Philosophy II Seçmeli
PHIL 222 Philosophy in the 17th Century Seçmeli
PHIL 232 Epistemology Seçmeli
PHIL 312 Aesthetics Seçmeli
PHIL 322 Philosophy in the 19th Century Seçmeli
PHIL 452 Philosophy of Law and Human Rights Seçmeli
PHIL 422 Contemporary Philosophy II Seçmeli
BBA 345 Cost Accounting Seçmeli
ECON 352 Econometrics Seçmeli
ECON 422 Turkish Economy Seçmeli
PA 108 Social Responsibility Projects Seçmeli
SPRI 208 Conférence de Méthode des Relations Internationales IV Seçmeli
SPRI 220 Systèmes Politiques Comparés Seçmeli
SPRI 108 Conférence de Méthode des Relations Internationales II Seçmeli
HRM 112 Human Resources Management in Organizations Seçmeli
HRM 211 Basics of Behaviorial Science Seçmeli
HRM 390 Staj II Seçmeli
ARE 201 Zoning Law Seçmeli
ARE 212 Structure Cognisance Seçmeli
ECON 122 Principles of Macroeconomics Seçmeli
ECON 222 Macroeconomics Seçmeli
SPRI 260 Sociologie Politique Seçmeli
SOC 497 Project Development and Implementation in Public and Civil Society Seçmeli
SOC 409 Social Sciences Colloquium Seçmeli
MAN 325 Produktionswirtschaft Seçmeli
MAN 442 Digital Marketing und Social Media Seçmeli
MAN 338 Interkulturelles Management Seçmeli
ATH 104 Management & Behavioural Sciences in Tourism Seçmeli
ATH 106 Travel Management and Tour Operations Seçmeli
PHIL 242 Philosophy of Science Seçmeli
SOC 204 Contemporary Sociological Theory Seçmeli
SOC 216 Sociology of Law Seçmeli
SOC 218 Social Attitudes and Behavior Seçmeli
PHIL 106 Philosophical Texts II Seçmeli
PHIL 112 Logic I Seçmeli
SOC 124 Social History of 19th Century Intellectual Life Seçmeli
SOC 156 Social Problems in Turkey Seçmeli
CET 308 Operating Systems Seçmeli
CET 310 Database Management Systems Seçmeli
CET 311 Multimedia Design and Development Seçmeli
CET 344 Special Teaching Methods in Computer Education II Seçmeli
CUM 306 Computerized Customs Services Seçmeli
CUM 308 Customs Tariff and Tax II Seçmeli
ACM 114 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Seçmeli
ACM 434 Enterprise Information Systems II Seçmeli
MAN 434 Strategisches Management in MNU Seçmeli
ATH 210 Front Office Operations & Automation Systems Seçmeli
BBA 202 Organizational Behavior Seçmeli
BBA 204 Principles of Entrepreneurship Seçmeli
BBA 210 Corporate Social Responsibility Seçmeli
CET 205 Instructional Design Seçmeli
CET 212 Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming for Education Seçmeli
CET 214 Fundamentals of Computer Assisted Instruction Seçmeli
CET 215 Graphics and Visualization in Education Seçmeli
CULA 206 Food and Gastronomy Culture Seçmeli
CUM 302 Customs Legislations II Seçmeli
ECON 232 Mathematical Economics Seçmeli
ELIT 204 Survey Of American Literature II Seçmeli
GRA 206 Graphic Printing / Producing Techniques Seçmeli
GRA 212 Semiotics Seçmeli
AFN 406 Financial Calculus Seçmeli
ATD 315 Cross-Cultural Issues in Business Seçmeli
ACM 414 Virtualization and Introductory Cloud Computing Seçmeli
ACM 474 Information Systems Security Seçmeli
AFN 413 Financial Risk Analysis Seçmeli
AFN 416 Turkish Capital Markets Seçmeli
AFN 496 Graduation Project Seçmeli
BBA 402 Strategic Management Seçmeli
TLL 428 Westernization And Turkish Poetry Seçmeli
TLL 442 Poetry in Contemporary Literature Seçmeli
TLL 362 Folk Literature II Seçmeli
TLL 382 Sufi Literature Seçmeli
TLL 294 Ottoman Turkish III Seçmeli
TLL 192 Ottoman Turkish I Seçmeli
TLL 124 Turkish Spoken In Turkey II Seçmeli
TLL 132 Introduction to Turkish Literature II Seçmeli
SPRI 492 Mémoire Seçmeli
PHIL 314 Advanced Logic Seçmeli
PHIL 382 Philosophy Of Language I Seçmeli
SOC 323 Gender in Society Seçmeli
SOC 335 Political Sociology Seçmeli
COMM 102 Media History Seçmeli
PSIR 112 History of International Relations II Seçmeli
CUM 310 Monitoring and Preveting of Smuggling II Seçmeli
ELIT 402 Contemporary Literary Theory II Seçmeli
ETT 498 Graduation Thesis Seçmeli
GRA 402 Graphic Design Project: Advertising Design II Seçmeli
ETT 215 Digital Marketing Management Seçmeli
MAN 212 Internationales Management Seçmeli
MAN 218 Personalmanagement Seçmeli
MAN 117 Finanzbuchhaltung Seçmeli
SOC 392 Field Study Seçmeli
ACM 212 Advanced Database Applications Seçmeli
AFN 311 Corporate Finance Seçmeli
ATR 333 Business Development Seçmeli
ATR 442 Rail Transportation II Seçmeli
ATR 466 Procurement & Inventory Management Seçmeli
ATR 352 Maritime Logistics II Seçmeli
ACM 362 Networking II Seçmeli
ACM 364 Database Management Systems Seçmeli
ACM 366 E-Business Seçmeli
AFN 318 Mergers & Acquisitions Seçmeli
AFN 405 Advanced Investment Analysis Seçmeli
AFN 407 Behavioral Finance Seçmeli
ATD 318 Asian Economies Seçmeli
ATD 428 The Appraisal of Real Estate Seçmeli
ATH 308 Performance Analysis & Reporting in Hospitality Industry Seçmeli
ATH 310 Introduction to Conference & Convention Planning Seçmeli
ATH 316 Strategic Airline Management Seçmeli
ATR 304 Contemporary Issues for International Logistics Seçmeli
ATR 474 Customs & Customs Operations Seçmeli
ATR 482 Maritime & Port Operations Mgt II Seçmeli
ECON 291 Economics Seçmeli
ELIT 102 Survey of English Literature II Seçmeli
GRA 104 History of Graphic Design Seçmeli
LAND 122 Irrigation and Drainage Seçmeli
MATH 176 Statistic für WI Seçmeli
MATH 440 Introduction to Graph Theory Seçmeli
ACM 368 Web Programming Seçmeli
AFN 312 International Financial Management Seçmeli
AFN 314 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Seçmeli
AFN 316 Financial Markets and Institutions Seçmeli
ANT 334 Ritual and Religion Seçmeli
BBA 361 Marketing Research Seçmeli
BBA 450 International Accounting Seçmeli
BBA 462 Sales Management Seçmeli
ELIT 302 History Of Literary Criticism II Seçmeli
AFN 242 Principles of Insurance Seçmeli
CET 408 Practice Teaching in Computer Education Seçmeli
CET 414 Project Development in Computer Education Seçmeli
SOC 412 Economy and Society Seçmeli
ATD 316 Economic Geography Seçmeli
ATH 326 International Hospitality Management Seçmeli
ETT 315 Digital Advertising and Performance Managment Seçmeli
GRA 302 Graphic Design Project: Social Design Seçmeli
LAW 316 Legislation on Logistics & Transportation II Seçmeli
MATH 322 Abstract Algebra Seçmeli
PA 204 Urbanization and Environmental Problems Seçmeli
PA 208 Regional Policy Seçmeli
MYO 113 Unternehmertum von KMU Seçmeli
HRM 434 Business Information Systems in the New Digital Age Seçmeli
RTC 222 Narrative and Narration in Cinema Seçmeli
JRN 142 Interaction in the Digital World Seçmeli
SPRI 106 Histoire du 20e siècle Seçmeli
ATR 312 Transportation Management and Rules II Seçmeli
PSIR 440 Computational Social Science Seçmeli
ATH 413 Smart Technologies in Tourism Seçmeli
COMM 110 Announcing and Diction Seçmeli
JRN 312 International Communication and News Agencies Seçmeli
ANT 260 Archaeology of Anatolia Seçmeli
LAW 358 U.S. Company Law Seçmeli
LAW 437 Law Of Design&Trademark Seçmeli
LAW 443 Stock Market Law Seçmeli
PA 402 Public Policy Analysis Seçmeli
ART 102 Arts and Cultural Management in Turkey Seçmeli
ART 104 Basics of Art Sociology Seçmeli
ART 112 History of Art II Seçmeli
ART 202 Aesthetics and Art Philosophy II Seçmeli
ART 204 Press and Public Relations in Arts and Cultural Management Seçmeli
ART 206 Performing Arts Management II Seçmeli
ART 208 Gallery Management Seçmeli
ART 302 Curatorial Studies Seçmeli
ART 304 Project Development and Management Seçmeli
ART 306 Arts Marketing Seçmeli
ART 308 Contemporary Arts Theories Seçmeli
ATR 102 Introduction to Supply Chain Management & Logistics II Seçmeli
ART 402 Creative Industries in Cultural Economy Seçmeli
ART 404 Organizational Behavior Seçmeli
ART 492 Graduation Project II Seçmeli
JRN 261 Basic Video Editing in Journalism Seçmeli
PSIR 480 Applied Research in Politica Sciences Seçmeli
ATD 324 Turkish Industry Seçmeli
MATH 232 Linear Algebra II Seçmeli
ADV 104 Principles of Marketing Seçmeli
JRN 356 Online Content Management Seçmeli
HRM 290 Internship I Seçmeli
ARE 301 Facility Management Seçmeli
ELIT 106 Introduction to Western Literature II Seçmeli
ELIT 108 Literary Genres II Seçmeli
JRN 208 News Literacy Seçmeli
ANT 478 Visual Culture Studies Seçmeli
ANT 476 Forensic Archeology and Anthropology Seçmeli
VCD 258 Visual Storytelling Workshop Seçmeli
EDEN 202 Second Language Learning Seçmeli
EDEN 210 Teaching Methods in TEFL Seçmeli
EDEN 404 Teacher Research in TEFL Seçmeli
JRN 336 Society and Memory Seçmeli
ART 210 Intellectual Property and Art Law Seçmeli
PA 403 Turkey and the European Administrative Area Seçmeli
MATH 252 Real Analysis I Seçmeli
ATH 433 Excellence in Hospitality with VoyMaxx Seçmeli
EDEN 405 Young Learners in TEFL Seçmeli
MATH 212 Differential Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 102 Basic Algebraic Structures Seçmeli
JRN 122 Social and Cultural Movements Seçmeli
RTC 302 Film Theory and Analysis Seçmeli
JRN 104 Sociology of News Seçmeli
PRP 104 Introduction to Public Relations Seçmeli
MTH 423 Computer Vısıon For Smart Vehıcles Seçmeli
JRN 242 Internet Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 152 Writing Types For Journalism Seçmeli
ATH 492 Applied Vocational Training Seçmeli
HRM 232 Recruitment Processes and Interview Techniques Seçmeli
THTR 338 Humour in Theather Seçmeli
AGR 402 Plant Nutrition Fertilization and Irrigation Seçmeli
ADV 381 Contemporary Issues in Advertising Seçmeli
HIST 202 State Organization and Institutions of Seljuks Seçmeli
HIST 306 History of Ottoman Modernization Seçmeli
BBA 364 Marketing Management Seçmeli
HRM 492 Graduation Project Seçmeli
ANT 160 Biological Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 432 Politics and Culture Seçmeli
ANT 464 Medical Anthropology Seçmeli
AGR 104 Environmental Pollution Seçmeli
ADV 202 Consumer Insight Seçmeli

Ders Yılı: 2

Ders Dönemi: Bahar
Course Code Course Name Course Type
ATR 203 Logistics and Marketing Management Seçmeli
PA 308 Internship Seçmeli
SPRI 494 Stage Seçmeli
PSIR 434 Europen Union and Democracy Seçmeli
BBA 403 TİDE Internal Audit Seminars Seçmeli
RTC 321 Film Art and Industry Seçmeli
ARE 302 Real Estate Economics Seçmeli
ARE 431 Real Estate Financing and Investment Seçmeli
ARE 421 International Real Estate Markets Seçmeli
RLL 305 History of Russia I Seçmeli
ACM 475 Informatics Regulations Seçmeli
ACM 437 Internet of Things Seçmeli
RLL 201 Intercultural Dialogue Seçmeli
HIST 117 Classical Mediterranean Civilizations Seçmeli
HIST 119 History of Middle East ( 6 - 13.Centuries) Seçmeli
HIST 315 History of Central Asia From 16th to 20th Century Seçmeli
HIST 325 History Philoshopy and Historiography Seçmeli
ATR 307 Supply Chain Knowledge Systems Seçmeli
HIST 383 Geographical Discoveries and History of Colonialism Seçmeli
HIST 481 History of World in the 20 Century Seçmeli
HIST 433 Turkey - Turkish Republics Relations Seçmeli
HIST 403 History of Turkish in Iran (Century of 16 and 20) Seçmeli
PHIL 121 Ancient Philosophy I Seçmeli
PHIL 221 Philosophy in The Middle Ages and Renaissance Seçmeli
PHIL 321 Philosophy in the 18th Century Seçmeli
PHIL 329 Philosophical Developments in Turkey Seçmeli
PHIL 499 Graduation Thesis Seçmeli
PHIL 421 Contemporary Philosophy I Seçmeli
BBA 389 Digital Transformation Seçmeli
PA 301 History of Turkish Democracy I Seçmeli
SPRI 207 Conférence de Méthode des Relations Internationales III Seçmeli
SPRI 107 Conférence de Méthode des Relations Internationales I Seçmeli
SPRI 121 Introduction à la Science Politique Seçmeli
HRM 421 Employee Evaluation and Compensation Systems Seçmeli
HRM 311 Modern Management Tecniques Seçmeli
HRM 321 Career Management Seçmeli
HRM 411 Conditions of Globalization and Intercultural Communication Seçmeli
PRP 221 Social Influence and Interpersonal Communication Seçmeli
ARE 211 Material Cognisance Seçmeli
ARE 311 Construction Planning and Operation Seçmeli
HRM 431 Training and Development in Enterprises Seçmeli
ECON 111 Principles of Microeconomics Seçmeli
ECON 211 Microeconomics Seçmeli
SPRI 221 Vie Politique Turque Seçmeli
MAN 111 Wirtschaftsdeutsch I Seçmeli
SPRI 233 Economie Seçmeli
SPRI 421 Méthodologie de Recherche en Sciences Sociales Seçmeli
ATH 203 Hospitality Operations Management Seçmeli
ATH 401 Revenue Management Seçmeli
ETT 415 Digital Warehousing Systems Seçmeli
MATH 231 Linear Algebra I Seçmeli
ATR 401 Operations Management Seçmeli
ATR 434 Transportation Economics Seçmeli
ATR 441 Rail Transportation I Seçmeli
GRA 301 Graphic Design Project: Brand Identity Design Seçmeli
LAW 315 Legislation on Logistics & Transportation I Seçmeli
MATH 357 Complex Analysis Seçmeli
CUM 309 Monitoring and Preveting of Smuggling I Seçmeli
EDTR 351 Teaching Literary Theory Seçmeli
ELIT 401 Contemporary Literary Theory I Seçmeli
ETT 425 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Seçmeli
ACM 213 Information Analysis and System Design Seçmeli
ACM 365 Advanced Web Design Seçmeli
ATR 211 Purchasing, Warehousing & Distribution Seçmeli
CULA 203 Foods and Their Specifications Seçmeli
CULA 205 Food History Seçmeli
CULA 131 Food Hygiene and Sanitation Seçmeli
PSIR 101 Introduction to Political Science Seçmeli
PSIR 111 History of International Relations I Seçmeli
ACM 111 Introduction to Computer and Information Processing Seçmeli
ANT 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 103 History of Anthropology Seçmeli
PA 303 Local Government Seçmeli
PA 409 Global Environmental Politics Seçmeli
GRA 401 Graphic Design Project: Advertising Design I Seçmeli
HIST 409 History of the Republic of Turkey Seçmeli
PA 401 Public Personnel Management Seçmeli
PA 423 Organizational Behaviour in Public Administration Seçmeli
PHIL 431 Philosophy of Hİstory Seçmeli
PHIL 451 Politıcal Philosophy Seçmeli
PHYS 402 ISO Standards&Accreditation Seçmeli
ATR 467 Logistics & Distribution Mgt Seçmeli
ATR 475 Logistics & Transportation of Special Materials Seçmeli
ATR 481 Intermodal Transportation Seçmeli
ATR 351 Maritime Logistics I Seçmeli
ACM 311 Visual Programming I Seçmeli
ACM 331 Concepts of Programming Languages Seçmeli
ACM 462 Decision Support Systems Seçmeli
ACM 472 3-D Design and Game Programming Seçmeli
AFN 418 International Corporate Finance Seçmeli
ATD 255 European Economies Seçmeli
ATD 321 Seminar in Marketing Seçmeli
ATH 209 Food&Beverage Management Seçmeli
ATH 211 Interpersonal Communication for Tourism Seçmeli
ATH 341 Rooms Division Management Seçmeli
ATH 411 Airport Management Seçmeli
ATH 415 Resort Management Seçmeli
ATH 417 Entrepreneurship for Tourism Seçmeli
ATR 314 Cargo Management Seçmeli
ATR 480 Maritime & Port Operations Mgt I Seçmeli
PHIL 305 Philosophical Texts IV Seçmeli
PHIL 327 Philosophy in the Islamic World I Seçmeli
SOC 340 Social Movements and Revolutions Seçmeli
SOC 350 Social Stratification Seçmeli
ACM 211 Data Structures and Database Applications Seçmeli
AFN 214 Principles of Finance Seçmeli
ATR 101 Introduction To Supply Chain Management & Logistics I Seçmeli
BBA 201 Organization Theory and Design Seçmeli
LAND 113 Plant Material I Seçmeli
MATH 175 Mathematic für BWL Seçmeli
PHIL 105 Philosophical Texts I Seçmeli
SOC 115 Academic Reading and Writing in the Social Sciences Seçmeli
TLL 431 Short Story in Contemporary Turkish Literature Seçmeli
TLL 441 Literature Of Fecr-i Ati Period Seçmeli
TLL 477 Contemporary Turkish Novel I Seçmeli
TLL 311 Old Anatolian Turkish Seçmeli
TLL 361 Folk Literature I Seçmeli
TLL 293 Ottoman Turkish II Seçmeli
TLL 125 Turkish Spoken In Turkey III Seçmeli
TLL 111 Literary Genres And Methods Of Narration Seçmeli
TLL 123 Turkish Spoken In Turkey I Seçmeli
TLL 131 Intro. To Turkish Literature I Seçmeli
ETT 412 Project Management in E-Commerce Seçmeli
ECON 351 Principles of Econometrics Seçmeli
ELIT 203 Survey of American Literature Seçmeli
GRA 205 Graphic Design Basics Seçmeli
ACM 369 Operating Systems I Seçmeli
ACM 413 Object Oriented Software Development Seçmeli
ACM 431 Programming Mobile Devices Seçmeli
AFN 321 Theory of International Trade and Finance Seçmeli
ATH 103 Tourism Geography Seçmeli
BBA 101 Introduction to Business Seçmeli
COMM 111 Presentation Skills Seçmeli
BBA 303 Leadership Seçmeli
PA 205 Turkish Public Administration Seçmeli
MAN 307 Unternehmensfinanzierung Seçmeli
MAN 323 Grundlagen Marketing Seçmeli
MAN 215 Management und Organisationstheorie Seçmeli
MAN 221 Kostenrechung Seçmeli
MAN 115 Allgemeine BWL Seçmeli
ELIT 101 Survey of English Literature I Seçmeli
ATH 325 Services Marketing Seçmeli
BBA 341 Managerial Accounting Seçmeli
CET 313 Computer Networks and Communication Seçmeli
CET 325 Principles of Distance Education Seçmeli
CET 343 Special Teaching Methods in Computer Education I Seçmeli
HIST 483 History of Diplomacy in Ottoman Empire Seçmeli
PHIL 213 Logic II Seçmeli
PHIL 217 Classsical Greek And Latin Text Analyses I Seçmeli
PHIL 241 Ontology Seçmeli
PSIR 211 Introduction to International Relations Seçmeli
PSIR 221 Comparative Political Systems Seçmeli
SOC 203 Classical Sociological Theory Seçmeli
CUM 303 Foreign Trade and Customs Regime Seçmeli
CUM 307 Customs Tariff and Tax I Seçmeli
ECON 321 Monetary Economics Seçmeli
ELIT 301 History Of Literary Criticism I Seçmeli
ETT 311 Informatics Regulations and New Applications Seçmeli
ACM 373 Scripting Languages Seçmeli
ACM 411 Ethical and Human Side of IT Seçmeli
ACM 421 Project Management Seçmeli
AFN 417 Derivatives Markets Seçmeli
ATD 457 The Turkish Tax System Seçmeli
ATR 415 Warehouse Management Seçmeli
CET 406 School Experience in Computer Education Seçmeli
CET 472 Design and Development of Educational Software Seçmeli
CET 487 Authoring Tools in E-Learning Seçmeli
BBA 344 Auditing Seçmeli
BBA 362 Consumer Behavior Seçmeli
BBA 486 Innovation Management Seçmeli
GRA 203 Typography I Seçmeli
HIST 209 Paleograph I Seçmeli
MATH 255 Calculus III Seçmeli
CUM 301 Customs Legislations I Seçmeli
JRN 322 Digital Media Literacy Seçmeli
LAW 121 Civil Law I Seçmeli
HRM 113 In-house Marketing in Human Resources Management Seçmeli
HRM 433 Orientation of Human Resources to the New Digital Age Seçmeli
ATD 473 Global Trade and Investment Seçmeli
MATH 160 Introductory Calculus Seçmeli
HIST 435 History of The Far East Seçmeli
JRN 445 Press Economy and Management Seçmeli
VCD 474 Game Design Workshop Seçmeli
HIST 205 Ottoman History (1299-1600) Seçmeli
ETT 211 E-SCM Seçmeli
SPRI 101 Histoire de la diplomatie Seçmeli
NUT 250 Microbiota and Health Seçmeli
ATR 311 Transportation Management and Rules I Seçmeli
ATH 101 Introduction to Tourism Industry Seçmeli
ATH 222 Sustainable Tourism Management Seçmeli
ATH 421 Contemporary Topics in Tourism Seçmeli
JRN 151 News Gathering and Writing Techniques Seçmeli
COMM 121 The Fundamentals of Political Science Seçmeli
AFN 218 Corporate Governance and Ethics Seçmeli
AFN 415 Technical and Fundamental Analysis in Equity Markets Seçmeli
MAN 349 Markenführung Seçmeli
GRA 303 Graphic Design Project:Packaging Design Seçmeli
PA 405 Comparative Public Administration Seçmeli
ART 101 Introduction to Arts and Cultural Management Seçmeli
ART 103 Arts and Cultural Theories Seçmeli
ART 105 Basic Strategies in Arts and Culture Seçmeli
ART 111 History of Art I Seçmeli
ART 201 Aesthetics and Art Philosophy I Seçmeli
ART 203 Modern and Contemporary Art in Turkey Seçmeli
ART 205 Performing Arts Management I Seçmeli
ART 207 Museology Seçmeli
ART 301 Art and Culture Writing Seçmeli
ART 303 Collections Development Seçmeli
ART 305 Production and Marketing in the Music Industry Seçmeli
ART 401 Funding and Sponsorship for the Art and Cultural Projects Seçmeli
ART 403 Cultural Policies Seçmeli
ART 491 Graduation Project I Seçmeli
ADV 334 Account Management in Advertising Seçmeli
JRN 432 Projects for Social Awareness Seçmeli
VCD 400 Interdisciplinary Communication Design Practices Seçmeli
ARE 321 Real Estate Valuation Seçmeli
ELIT 105 Introduction to Western Literature I Seçmeli
MATH 111 Analytical Geometry Seçmeli
RTC 320 History of Turkish Cinema Seçmeli
RTC 311 Film Practicum Seçmeli
ADV 101 Introduction to Advertising Seçmeli
JRN 271 Layout Graphic Design for Journalism Seçmeli
GRA 101 Vector Graphic (Adobe Illustrator) Seçmeli
GRA 201 Desktop Publishing Graphics (Adobe In Design) Seçmeli
GRA 204 Typography II Seçmeli
GRA 304 Graphic Design Project: Publication Graphics Seçmeli
GRA 311 Graphic Animation Seçmeli
ATD 413 Turkish Foreign Trade Regime and Customs Regulations Seçmeli
MATH 245 Ordinary Differential Equations Seçmeli
PRP 107 Communication, Society and Politics Seçmeli
TRA 281 Introduction to Turkish Language of Signs Seçmeli
TRA 101 Turkish for Translators Seçmeli
MATH 101 Introductıon to Set Theory and Logic Seçmeli
MATH 439 Metric and Topological Spaces Seçmeli
EDEN 201 Applied Linguistics Seçmeli
EDEN 407 Use of Literary Texts in TEFL 1 Seçmeli
VCD 379 Interactive Design Seçmeli
ATD 243 International Trade Seçmeli
COMM 204 Algorithms, Society and Communication Seçmeli
MAN 346 Digitales Leadership Seçmeli
SPRI 471 Economie Politique Internationale Seçmeli
EDEN 204 Structure of Modern English Seçmeli
RTC 221 History of Cinema Seçmeli
ATR 471 Logistics Modeling & Optimization Techniques (OR) Seçmeli
MATH 321 Introduction to Group Theory Seçmeli
ELT 209 Intelligente Stadt Technologien der Zukunft“ mit Siemens Seçmeli
HRM 212 Corporate Social Responsibility Seçmeli
ADV 273 Digital Advertising Seçmeli
COD 101 Coding Seçmeli
HIST 405 Turkish Epics and Legends Seçmeli
BBA 261 Marketing Principles Seçmeli
ADV 321 Semiotics of Advertising Seçmeli
HRM 413 Organizational Design for HR Seçmeli
ANT 157 Culture and Archaeology Seçmeli
ANT 319 Ethnography and the History of Anthropology Turkey Seçmeli
ANT 459 Current Debates in Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 419 Ecology and Anthropology Seçmeli