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Yeditepe Matematik Bölümü Seminerleri kapsamında bu hafta yapılacak olan seminerin detayları aşağıdaki gibi olup tüm ilgilenenler davetlidir.
Konuşmacı: Mehmet Akif Erdal (Yeditepe Üniversitesi)
Başlık: Vector bundles that appear as normal bundles of manifolds
Özet: Given a Poincaré complex $X$, a vector bundle $\xi$ over $X$ is said to be realized by the normal bundle of a manifold $M$, if $\xi$ is pulled back from the normal bundle of $M$ along a homotopy equivalence $X\rightarrow M$. The problem of determining such bundles over an arbitrary Poincaré complex is a difficult problem and is related to classical problems of surgery theory. In this talk, we will discuss some methods of approaching this problem and talk about solutions for certain cases of $X$. In particular, we will discuss conditions on bundles over $X$ that guarantee they are realized by normal bundles of manifolds, for $X$ belonging to a certain class of homology spheres.
Tarih: 23 Mayıs 2022, Pazartesi
Saat: 14:30
Meeting ID: 889 3945 0567
İlk oluşturulma : 23 Mayıs 2022 09:53
Son güncelleme : 23 Mayıs 2022 09:53
Zoom adresi için Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Mehmet Akif ERDAL ( ile iletişime geçiniz.